After last few works, I am obsessed with something including glitter. And then I find this ball, the glitter mixed with the water looked like the glitter is some kind of liquid. And put it into slow-mo it looks like something can't be forecasted.
Like people will wonder about their future is also something cannot be forecasted. But still, people will ask others what they should do to deal with the troubles they met in their life. Sometimes even looking for help from those fortune teller like they will know better.
When I try to get advice from others, I will always have this similar answer that is only if you have a man by your side, like every problem will magically go away once a men show up in my life. To be honest, this is not something I find weird, but also female from all over the world find it offence.
I want to make a work that offends everybody so that people can start to think about what they have said. In the beginning, I want to give audiences small note like fortune cookies but with words like go find a big strong man but it's very difficult to actually hand these note to everyone who comes to the exhibition, especially the opening night. So I have to think something can automatically send messages for me.
In the meaning time, I really like the interactive from my 'cupcakes' work. Still, I want to improve how I interact with audiences, after all, last time not many people will eat the cake without telling them they can eat the cake.

Also, I want my work as a real fortune telling event, people see my work will really want to know the answer. So it has to look like a fortune telling device.

This is the sample I made and detail of the base

make it into copper so it does look like something whitch will use

I wanted to recreate the ball with resin, so it doesn't look like a toy and have a 'belt', but it turns out not good. And to be honest, if I want to people think it is a fortune telling ball, the easiest way is just to buy a crystal ball. The reason I wanted to make one with glitter by myself is I don't want to give up something I start with.

I find this sensor can play the music once it feels there is something around. I can hide this device under the crystal ball, once audiences touch it, it will automatically play the audio I recorded before.
This is a test video for my sensor. Pressure version.
This is a test video for my sensor. Infrared ray version. The speaker is broken, but Indicator light can tell if it is work.

During the set-up of the MFA show, I find it does not look like a Fortune teller's table, unless I sit there to dress up invite people to sit down with me, otherwise no one will sit down to see the crystal ball.

Then I made a plinth with super pink colour. So that my work could look like proper artwork and so feminine that can make people feel offended..

Cover the plinth with lots of glitters made the whole work even more extreme. And it can also drug people to my work, and when they approach my work the sensor will start to work and say those offensive sentence.

The audio I prepared in advance. They will automatically play when the sensor senses that the viewer is getting close or trying to looking inside the crystal ball.

After setting up everything in the room, I really like the relationship with other works, how does my work reflect theirs and the contrast of colours, all made my work more interesting.