So this is what U want to see
.This is also an unfinished work. First I changed the Birth of Venus with photoshop. The Venus in this original is synonymous with the natural beauty nature. But in today's social media beauty is no longer natural, it's more artificially created. So according to the aesthetic of social media, I use photoshop to recreate how Venus looks. And I leave the photoshop tracks on purpose, but now it seems like a rough work.

And for the paintings, I try to use some 'girl' colour to paint some sexy body parts of females. And those body parts are some people think the only useful parts of the female body, especially in the underdeveloped countryside oh China, people believe girls are some object cost lots of money and after getting married, girls will become some other families' object. The only benefit the girls can bring is a son so men can let their gene pass on.