This book< Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity> was published in 1990, is an important work of feminist theory and gender research. Once published, it has attracted counts of praise and controversy, and has been regarded as the founder of "queer theory." Butler has become one of the most important icons in contemporary thought.
At the beginning of "Gender Trouble", Butler questioned "female" as the subject of feminism. She sorts out the main idea of French feminist theorists such as Beauvoir, Christerva, Wittig, and Iriqri, and traces them to the pallocentric theory that they are based on or against. source. She uses post-structural, psychoanalytic, and feminist analytical frameworks, through the interpretation of
Straussian structural anthropology, Foucault's controlled production, Lacan's original prohibition theory, and Freud's sexual depression. Re-examine the key concepts such as language, subject and gender identity from the perspective of philosophical ontology, and profoundly expound how the relationship between gender identity and desire under the heterosexual framework is formed, thus subverting the compulsory hegemony discourse of sex, gender and sexual desire.
For me, it is very struggling to read this book, whether it is the English version or Chinese version, but almost every chapter is very Inspiring to me. This theory is very useful to me. I think that the gender identity of a person is caused by the long-term construction of society. The society corresponds to the "masculine temperament" and the "feminine temperament" to the identity characteristics of "man" and "woman" respectively. This binary division of one or the other firmly occupy the mainstream of society. And this is what I want to show people through my works.